Point Clouds in Revit
In the latest version of Revit there is some inbult support for handling point clouds. Our experiance says it does not work for big point clouds (milions of milions of points) so we have created our own process to capture geometries with a very high accuracy.

The process together with self developed applications makes it possible to place and create Revit families that matches the point cloud very well. We have integrated it in all three versions of Revit so that we can handle both architectural and MEP projects as well as structural.

Here you can find an example of the result of a big size project using our processes and algorithms:

This is a block of 8 houses that togheter on all 5 plans covers more then 15.000 square meters.

With our great processes we could create a Revit model with 20 mm accuracy in all levels in a very short period of time. The image above is showing a small part of the total block.

All deails in the elevations was very easy to capture thanks to some advanced algorithms.


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